Cat Vs Dog: Which Is Right For You?


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Cat Vs Dog

Cats vs Dogs – which is right for you? It’s an age-old debate which has been continuing till now. Most pet lovers and those who are planning to get a pet might have gone through this perplexity before adopting a pet. We can find people who like both cats and dogs equally in rare situations.

Cats and dogs are the most beloved and popular pets. Cats and dogs give us the unconditional love that a mother shows to her kids. When you want to choose between a cat and a dog, you need to consider a few factors before picking the right pet for you and your family. Of course, it’s a complex decision between choosing a cat or a dog.

Cat Vs Dog
Cat Vs Dog, Source:

You may think that cats and dogs can’t live together. But, you’re wrong. Both cats and dogs can get along happily irrespective of specific differences. Will those differences affect your bonding with your both pets? To answer all these queries, just go through this in-depth guide. 

Things to Consider Before Selecting the Right Pet for You (Cat / Dog)

Do you have a dream of adopting a pet? If you are thinking of adding a new member to your family but are confused about which one is the best then, you’re in the right place. As cats and dogs are the most commonly adopted and cuddled animals, most prefer to make them as pets. 

But when it comes to choosing one among the two then, what would you consider? There are several factors to consider before choosing whether a cat or a dog is the right pet for you. Selecting a pet for your family also relies on your personality, lifestyle, family decisions, cleanliness, and more.

Cats are highly independent and cheaper while dogs are trustworthy, expensive, and more dependent. Dogs require more attention and care when compared to cats. Likewise, many other factors need to be considered before selecting the pet. Cat Vs Dog – We have rounded up a big list of factors to be considered before choosing the right pet.  

1. Space

Space is the major factor that must be considered when thinking about adding a new member to the family. Cats are small animals so, they require very little space in the house. 

Even if you live in a small apartment with less floor space, you can install a wall shelf or wall perch for your cat. Cats can get physical movement while playing, climbing, and jumping on the wall shelves. As a result, cats don’t need much space to roam around in the house. 

On the other hand, dogs are heavy animals that require more space compared to cats. Though dogs are big, they can adjust even in a small house and stay happy. But, their lifestyle is quite different. Dogs tend to do outdoor exercise and lead an active lifestyle. Dogs love going for walks with their owners in the backyard.

2. Budget

Owning a pet is like upbringing a child. Once you adopt a pet, you need to invest a lot of time and money. While maintaining cats requires low cost, dogs need more money for maintenance, vaccination, vet bills, and more.

You need to spend money on training classes, daycare [if you’re a working person], pet food, veterinary bills, and more. Considering the budget, you need to spend a lot on dogs compared to cats. 

If you’re a person who accompanies your pet relatively low then, a cat might be a better choice. If your dog is big, it needs more food. As cats require low maintenance, they are more budget-friendly than dogs.

3. Pet Training

In terms of training, dogs need more training compared to cats. Training dogs require more attention and a lot of patience. You need to give toilet training to your dog so that it doesn’t make a mess in your house. 

The time to give training is less for dogs compared to cats. Dogs are more obedient by nature. However, each dog breed is different and each dog has its own nature and learning ability.

On the other hand, pet owners can give training to cats but not as perfectly as dogs. To train your cat, you need a lot of patience to overcome its unnecessary instincts. When you train a cat, you need to emphasize setting up boundaries for the cat.

Potty training is very tough for dogs while it’s quite easy to make your cat catch on how to use the litter box. Especially in the case of puppies, it’s difficult to give potty training. It requires more time and consistent training can make your dog learn potty training.

4. Lifestyle

The lifestyle of a cat is quite simple and happy. Mostly, cats prefer staying indoors and they feel safe indoors. They feel delightful sitting next to the window and cuddling up on the couch. Sometimes, your cats enjoy the lifestyle of watching birds from the glass window or playing around the house.

Dogs don’t like indoor lifestyles. They wish to go for a lot of walks with their owners. Dogs tend to spend a lot of time outdoors looking at the people moving around and staying happy. Dogs need more space to roam around and wish to do a lot of exercise. 

Make sure you have access to parks or an indoor yard in your house to allow your dog to stay healthy. If you don’t have access to parks or a yard in your home, you may not be able to help your dog lead its blissful lifestyle.

5. Personality

Personality matters a lot. Every pet has its personality and requirements. Before adopting a new pet, it’s important to understand their personality. By doing so, you would be able to offer a comfortable environment to your new family member. 

If you have any other pet in your home then, you can provide a healthy ambiance between the two pets if you know their personality. The major personality traits in dogs include friendly interactions with humans and fellow dogs, aggression, quick learning, submissiveness, courage, loyalty, and affection.

Cats’ personality is slightly different from dogs. Cats are friendly, sociable, timid, shy, fearful, independent, impulsive, dominant, etc. Some cats are bold, confident, intelligent, and active.

6. Cleanliness

Cats maintain cleanliness and keep themselves clean whether they’re wild or domestic cats. They always love to keep their litter tray clean and neat. Cats often lick themselves to clean the food particles on them. By doing so, it redirects the attention of other animals and predators.

Dogs are not as clean as cats, especially about their grooming habits. Dogs don’t lick themselves quite often. Instead, they depend more on their owners for proper hygiene. To prevent the accumulation of dirt and debris on the fur of the dog, they look for brushing and bathing frequently.

7. Your Lifestyle

Another factor that impacts choosing ‘Cat Vs Dog’ is your lifestyle. How busy are you, your family, and your financial status also impact your pet selection. Usually, cats don’t need much attention and care. If you’re a person who is extremely busy with office and home work then, choosing a cat is the right choice.

If you maintain an active lifestyle then, you can prefer adopting a dog. If you go for regular walks then, the dog can be your choice. Dogs love to go for outdoor walks with their owners regularly. Cats are more independent while dogs are dependent animals.

You must consider your family member’s opinions before choosing the pet. If you reside in a big house with a yard then, you can go with a dog. Otherwise, if you are staying in a small apartment then, going with a cat is the right decision.

Differences between Cat and Dog

Want to know the difference between Cats and Dogs? If you already have some pets in your house, you may have some experience about the care to be taken. Adopting a cat or a dog has significant differences. Every pet seeks attention from its owner, loves to play, enjoys petting and grooming, needs frequent vet appointments, and more.

But, the difference comes in the behavior and lifestyle of each pet. Speaking about the personality of the cat, cats are quite easy to handle and take care of, need low maintenance, are inexpensive, and are highly independent by nature. Moreover, cats don’t look for their owner to clean them instead they maintain their hygiene. 

On the other hand, dogs are a little difficult to handle, need more maintenance, are expensive, and are dependent on nature. Dogs need more attention and affection from their owners. It is necessary to differentiate between a cat and a dog while planning to adopt a pet. 

But, the notable point is that different breeds have varied characteristics and behaviors that must be considered before selecting the right pet. Few dog breeds are well-known for high aggressiveness, barking more, and poor immunity. Some of the cat types need more attention and affection from their owners. 

So, it depends on the dog or cat breed you choose and also, your lifestyle matters a lot in adopting a pet. Before selecting Cats vs Dogs, go through the potential pros and cons of owning a cat and a dog. Read on.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Cat 

Looking to welcome a new pet into your family? Well, as you are confused about what to select and how to choose, we are here to help you, pet lovers. Go through the tabular form furnished below listing out the pros and cons of owning a cat.

Pros of owning a catCons of owning a cat
Requires less maintenanceCats scratch and bite their owners out of nowhere
Cats don’t need much spacePeople are highly allergic to cats
Very much affordableTakes a long time to give training to a cat
Cats don’t need exclusive grooming sessionsNot very friendly with kids below 7 years
Life expectancy ranges from 12 to 25 yearsCats are pretty much lazy and sleep a lot
Looks adorable in the kitten phaseNo Defensive nature
Doesn’t require you to take them for a walkCats don’t like change and are extremely sensitive to their environment
Aids in controlling pestsCat’s litter boxes often give a stinky smell and require frequent cleaning
Keeps you entertainedSome Cat breeds shed their fur a lot
Very much affectionate to its ownerVeterinarian bills are very expensive
Cats don’t like to obey its owner’s commands or orders
Vomits occasionally anywhere in the house
Pros and Cons of Owning a Cat

Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog 

If you are looking forward to owning a dog, you need to look at the potential advantages and disadvantages of owning a dog. In the tabular form given below, we have compiled a list of the pros and cons of owning a dog. Take a look!

Pros of Owning a DogCons of Owning a Dog
Great companions if you’re aloneDogs are expensive
Ideal Stress-bustersRequires more time to give proper training
Dogs can easily adapt to any kind of environmentDogs will be unhappy if they don’t get their daily dose of physical activity
Dogs help maintain an active lifestyleVeterinarian costs are too high
Training a dog is much easier than a catDogs drool a lot
Life expectancy ranges between 12 and 18 yearsNeeds more maintenance like grooming, dog food, vet bills, etc
Dogs instinctively protect their owners as well as the houseNeed a dog babysitter when you’re out of the station
Brings out the motivation in you to exercise regularlySeeks more attention and a lot of time from its owners
Loyal and never betrays its ownerMay disturb your social life
Dogs love to play with you and have fun
Offers unconditional love and affection
Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog

Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs?

Well, cats are often considered the smarter ones than dogs. The reason behind this is, cats are very much independent compared to dogs. Also, cats have problem-solving skills instinctively. On the other hand, dogs are dependent by nature and can develop problem-solving skills by giving training and teaching them a plethora of tricks and tips.

Other Things to Consider 

Till now, we have considered various factors like space, cost, lifestyle, pet training, pros, and cons to choose the right pet for you. Still, there are some other things to consider. We’ve mentioned the remaining things below that must be considered before adopting a new pet into your home, be it a cat or a dog.

Think of Family, Children, Roommate, Apartment You Live 

Bringing a new pet into your family gives you more happiness. Is this your lone decision or family decision? If you have kids at home aged below 8 years, then you must reconsider your decision to adopt a pet. When you are a huge pet lover residing in a shared room with other roommates, you must think of your decision. You must also see whether you have a big home or a small home to choose between a cat and a dog to adopt. 

Think If You Are Having Other Pet in Your House 

Do you already have a pet at home? If so, you must consider your decision to select the pet. If you have a cat at home then, you can think of adopting a dog and vice versa. Otherwise, you can select the same pet to make them great companions in your house. You need to thoroughly check the personalities and behaviors of both pets so that they can interact with each other quickly. 

Conclusion – Choose the Right Pet for You

That’s all! This is everything you need to know about the topic, Cats vs. Dogs – which is right for you. We put forward all the valid points in this article. Now, it’s your ultimate decision to choose between a dog and a cat to add to your family. Mostly, pet lovers adore both the cat and the dog equally. 

Owning a pet can diminish your stress levels and increase your life expectancy. Owning a dog or a cat has significant health benefits to the pet parents like therapeutic healing abilities, and enhancing positive mindset. We hope this article has helped you in choosing between the cat and dog to adopt. 

For more articles related to pets, introducing new pets into the family, pet habits, and more, stay tuned to our website TheCrazyCats.

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