No cat parent ever wants to see their meowing-friend ill due to negligence with health care. While we all groom as well as feed our cats time to time, are we equipped with the right knowledge on how often should cats go to the vet ?
It is an innate quality in cats to heal quickly from any injury or health concern. Even then, as cat parents, it is our duty to prioritize our cat’s safety.
According to the American Animal Association and the American Association of Feline Practitioners, owners should take their pets to the veterinary doctor once a year.
Wish to know how often should i take my cat to the vet. Read this article and get enlightened about precautionary measures to take with regard to regular cat health check-ups.
Why Is It Important To Take Your Cat To The Vet?
To rest assured your cat‘s mind and body are functioning right, taking them to the vet is important. Sometimes, missing annual check-ups can get your feline into trouble if he or she is diagnosed with a worse medical condition.

Besides, if you notice something unusual in the way your cat eats, poops, passes urine, or behaves too he/she might need medical care. Regardless of your cat’s age, cats often need to go to the vet.
How Often Do You Take A Cat To The Vet Based On Age
Age is a crucial factor in deciding the frequency of how often should cats go to the vet. For instance, a kitten needs extra care when small, or if there is an elder cat, his/her health needs to be monitored every now and then.
Here are answers to your one and only question “How often should I take my cat to the vet”?
When To Take Kittens To The Vet
Just as human babies need to be checked a few weeks after birth, similar is the case with kittens. They must be taken for a checkup once every month for a year.
If you plan on neutering your cat in the future, the earliest to do it is when your kitten is around 2 months old. This will save your baby cat from unwanted behavioral issues.
Since kittens are given their mother’s milk in the beginning, they have commendable immunity. After a few weeks, necessary vaccinations have to be given.
Two important vaccines need to be given before the 1st eight weeks
- Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis Calicivirus Panleukopenia – For protection against respiratory infections.
- Eline leukemia virus – For protection against feLV.
By the 16th week, your vet would probably give your kitten a rabies vaccination. As per studies, cats are prone to carry or spread rabies more than any other animal. So, ensure to have your kitten vaccinated.
When To Take Young Adult Cats To The Vet
Wondering how often do adult cats need to go to the vet?
Adult cats require an annual check-up just the way kittens do. Cats who are between 1 to 6 years are considered young adult cats. Right from their nutrition to behavioral health, they need to be observed and given necessary vaccinations.
From time to time, cats need to be physically examined on aspects like blood, urine, parasite control, dental, skin, weight, body composition, etc.
To ensure your cat’s safety, during veterinarian visits, you can shoot your questions on how to maintain a cat’s quality of life.
Between the age of 1 to 3 years, your cat might receive necessary vaccine boosters.
When To Take Mature Adult Cats To The Vet
Mature adult cats are in between healthy and prone to falling ill. According to AAFP, mature adult cats should see a vet two times a year to thoroughly check age-related and disease-related problems.
Cats between 7-10 years are considered mature adult cats. These cats should be taken to diagnostic centers to check their heart, thyroid levels, kidney, urinary bladder, etc.
When To Take Senior Cats To The Vet
It is pretty obvious that we need not think of how often to take senior cats to the vet but just take them twice to thrice a year for a detailed checkup.
Similar to humans, cats too lose out on their energy levels on turning old. For the most part, they love curling themselves up and lazying at their senior stage of life.
Even the slightest change in your cat’s health should not be ignored when they are above 10 years old. Perhaps, there could be deficiencies or an unexpected health condition. To avoid complications, see the vet and get your cat’s body entirely diagnosed.
Reasons To Take Your Cat To The Vet – Find Them Out!
Considering age, regular vaccinations, and unusual health conditions, one needs to take their cat to the vet often. We have a basic idea of how often to take cats to the vet, let’s see in-depth information on the possible reasons why should you take your cat to the vet.
To Stay Stress-Free
Going by the great saying – “Prevention is better than cure” one simple reason to take your cat to the vet is to be double sure that your feline is doing perfectly fine.
To Determine Cat’s Quality Of Life
The effort of often taking your cat to the vet, getting them diagnosed, and receiving positive results or signs of being precautions with their health is enough reason to know why these check-ups are a must.
Indigestion Problems
If a cat’s throwing up or has an upset stomach, could be indigestion or your cat is dehydrated but if this happens often then you must not ignore this sign and immediately talk to your vet.
Unusual Behavior
To see your cat mentally and physically sound it is a must to beware of their actions. When you notice red flags such as aggression or excessive seclusion, visit your vet to diagnose the issue.
Messing Around The Litter-Box
Cats are clean animals. To top it, after peeing and pooping, they cover it up clean with sand all by themselves, if you witness your cat peeing or pooping outside the box, take it as a sign that your cat requires medical attention and immediately take your feline to the vet.
Excessive Weight Loss/Weight Gain
Take your cat to the vet with immediate effect when you notice an abnormal weight gain or weight loss. Cats losing too much weight could mean they are battling against worms in the stomach or food allergies.
On the contrary, excessive weight gain without munching much could indicate underactive thyroid disease and their symptoms are less immunity, weakness, and hair loss. So why risk it all? take your cat to the vet often.
Pet Emergencies(In Cats)
At times cats might be in an emergency and you might not know because they don’t make their illness evident but their body language would say it all. Listed below are signs of what a cat does when ill.
- Starving for days
- String like a substance coming out of a cat’s mouth
- Trauma and crying
- Not playing or moving
- Panting
- Respiratory difficulties
- Staying secluded in one corner of the house
- Poisoned
- Foam in the mouth
- Experiencing repeated seizures
- Urinating blood
- Difficulty in urinating
- Constant vomiting all-day
- Wound around the chest or abdomen
- Using only three legs to walk
- Unable to walk properly with back legs
- Change in gum color
- Excessive dehydration
Tips For Bringing Your Cat To The Vet
Cats are smart. They can sense when you take them to the vet and it stresses them out because they know how painful vet visits can be.
It is natural for cats to be anxious because no one appreciates being pricked. Therefore it is an owner’s duty to make this vet visit experience smooth for the cats.
Here’s how to do it
First things first, as a cat owner, keep your own calm and don’t make yourself look stressed for the cat to be able to stay strong to an extent.
If your cat is too anxious, see if there is a possibility to call your vet home for a check-up. Besides, you can attract your cat’s attention by decorating their litter box.
As cats need to go to the vet often, it is necessary to distract them with toys to bring them to sit in their carrier. Try this trick a few days before the day of appointment.
Get your cats groomed for the vet visit by cutting their nails, brushing their hair, and giving them healthy food to munch on before the task of resisting pain begins.
Effective medication such as catnip can be given to your cat to relax him or her right before going to the vet. If not a catnip, get in touch with your vet and ask for a suitable medication to ensure cats are calm.
Considering factors such as the age and lifestyle of a cat, now you know how often should you be taking your cat to the vet. While some questions still remain unasked or remain in doubt, here are answers to provide better clarity.
Do cats need to see a vet every year?
To stay safe, it is always good to take your cat to the vet every year. In case, you feel your cat is doing perfectly fine and doesn’t need a check-up, talk to your regular vet and find out if that should do. Usually, the necessity to see a vet is based on a cat’s health and lifestyle.
How many vet visits does a kitten need?
Kittens should be taken to the vet often because they are small and their body is in the process of adapting to a lifestyle. Therefore, it is recommended to take your kitten to the vet once in 3-4 weeks in the first month and get him/her vaccinated at the right time.
What do vets check for in cats?
When you take your cats to the vet, they test crucial aspects that clearly detect any problem in your feline’s overall health. Some of those tests are thyroid hormone testing, biochemistry profile, urinalysis, complete blood count, etc. Besides, vets will even look at the cat’s head to see if there are lumps or any other complications.
Does pet insurance cover vet checkups?
Practically speaking, health concerns don’t knock at the door, they just flood you with extra expenses. Since having a pet calls for some more expenses, it is essential to get pet health insurance. What pet insurance covers is emergency care or vaccine visits, comes down to what you choose.
How much does a vet visit cost for a cat?
Knowing the cost of vet visits in general for your feline helps you stay more prepared. In the US, a basic vet visit without a severe medical condition costs around $50-$250 on average.
Do vets still declaw cats?
Declawing involves amputation in severe medical situations. This process is painful and leaves cats experiencing pain in their paws, back, and nerves. Offlate, AVMA has stopped declawing unless it concerns the removal of any cancerous tumors.
Now that you know how often cats need to go to the vet, you can do the needful based on the age of the cat.
Thinking of your cat’s well-being is a sign of being a responsible owner. No doubt it is expensive to take your kitten to the vet but being careful is more essential than putting your cat at stake and spending two times higher later.
You are just a few steps away from the vet! Go regularly to gift your cat a healthy life!